Covered in light and love - you are safe and sound

Did you ever experience being close to death, not knowing what is happening to your body and if you will make it through the next minutes?

It feels like being reborn...

Although I thought I do have a different view on life already…what happened 31.10.2023 is putting a new light on the essence of live for myself.

I was sitting on a chair in front of my computer when suddenly a strange feeling started in my third eye on my forehead. It felt that the skin was getting numb. The numb feeling got more intense and bigger. Inside my brain it started to tingle and I went to the sofa to lay down and tried to relax.

A second later that tingling feeling covered all of my body followed by an more intense vibration in my head and I realized that something is definitely not like it should and that I need to call the ambulance (I was home alone). In that moment I was facing the fear of death not knowing what will come next. I thought I need to alarm the neighbors instead of the ambulance because I cannot talk on the phone when I pass out.

On the way to the door I was already in the mode of “leaving my body” meaning my soul started to loose the connection to my body. Don’t ask me how I realized that but that brought all my energy to the focus on…I will stay and I fight. Till that point I was thinking it might be a stroke or something similar. I could not walk anymore, but was already outside in front of the door...sitting outside my house…my soul fighting for staying and not loosing the connection to my physical body.

That was the point I realized that something is trying to take control over my body and that this is not something physical or something that the medicine would find a disease for. I was really struggling and somehow made it back inside fighting to connect to my body again and letting a good friend know about my emergency situation. She immediately came into my space energetically and supported me.

While I was fighting I was suddenly in a deep trust and surrounded by angels, while a big guardian angel was at the front door. Everything was calm and bright. I was confident that everything will be ok and safe if I will stay in this trust. I realized that I do have the choice...although I felt super light in this state I decided to not loose the connection and need to return back to by body completly.

After about 30 minutes I felt being back in my body, it felt cold and windy inside the room and once that was gone I started to shake heavily for quite a whil. It felt like all cells in my body were rebooting and healing, being put together to a new order.

If you are in trust and in the believe of love as the highest divine power surrounded by light nothing can are safe and sound

If you experienced something similiar and want to talk, feel free to get in touch with me

Herz Sabrina


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